Sunday, October 30, 2011
I have really improved on art this term. Our Thursday teacher, M.G has helped. I really enjoyed our Vincent Van Gogh painting, A Cornfield With Cypresses. It took me a while but it turned out I finished first and an amazing finishing
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Homework KA
What I liked doing this year
I liked going to the Sky Tower where we watched a movie about Auckland. After that we went and watched people jump off on a bungy. I also liked it when we went on camp to Sonshine Ranch where we slept in a three sided bivouac.
We went kayaking on the lake, did a water confidence course, went for a bush walk, and I loved the horse riding.
homework GH
In Term Three I learnt about structures. When we were learning about structures we went to the Sky Tower. The Sky Tower has 1,029 steps. I also learnt about the Eiffel Tower, the Eiffle Tower has become the globle icon of France and Paris and it stands 324 metres tall .
In term Three I learnt about structures. I learnt about the sky tower,Eiffel tower Sydney tower and the space needle. The sky tower is 328 metres high/32 buses. The sky tower is made out of Three matriels Concrete, Glass and Steel.
homework G P
Term Three has been such a great term. I know I have improved a lot and I have learned so much more than I knew at the beginning of the year. I am beginning to enjoy reading more. I love maths and am understanding it more. I am better at full stops and capital letters. When touring the Sky Tower one thing I learned, was that the Sky Tower hasn't fell during earth quakes. I have learned that people contribute to society by building peoples homes and buildings so people can work. There are also police men that help keep us safe. There are hospitals so when we get sick or injured they help. I have improved in Solo Taxonomy, getting up to relational and extended abstract. G.P
My term 3 experience J G
In the thrid term of the year I've learnt many things like building and constructing models and 30cm long bridges and a heap of science.
I leant some awesome new painting skills and I did some amazing work of Van Gogh. But the thing I really enjoyed was learning my best friends at Botany Downs School.
I leant some awesome new painting skills and I did some amazing work of Van Gogh. But the thing I really enjoyed was learning my best friends at Botany Downs School.
Things I've learnt M L
I've learnt many things over the term. I've learnt about structures and built my confidence better. Also I learnt more about the sky tower and it took 37 buses to reach the same hieght as the Sky Tower. I've also gotten better at my division and multiplication better. But the sad part is I'm not able to see my friends again when I go to Somerville next year.
I have learnt over the term 3 K.S
This year I have learnt how to divide triangles into thirds and quarters. I have learnt to build structures, I've also learnt what a occupation is and I learnt that the Sky Tower is 304 meters.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
This year By D.O
This year I have enjoyed art with Mrs Green and grammar also with Mrs Green. My favourite piece of art was the abstract art. I liked Draft writing because It was fun writing about the events that happened this year.
I liked going to the sky tower for a school trip because I learnt that it is 27 buses long ways.
I think that I got better at solo taxonomy work because now I'm extended abstract.
It was cool when the helicopter and the fire truck came to school because we got to go inside the fire truck and some people got to go see the helicopter up close.
I loved being in the soccer team and being a house leader.
So this year was actually pretty good.
Monday, October 24, 2011
My Reflection BL
This term I learnt a lot of things like occupations, structures, writing, and reading. And I learnt that if you put 37 buses it will be the some height as the Auckland Sky Tower. It is fun making a bridge with straw, wood news paper and ice block sticks.
I’m proud that I am getting better at my writing and reading.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Term Reflection -ES
I learned how to get better at writing and proofreading.Multiplication is quick adding (factor x factor) equals product.
I feel that i'm getting better at my goals but can still improve abit more.On Thursdays with Ms Green i learned alot about vincent van gogh, i was really facinated by his life story. He was really talented, he was an artist but he got really depresed sometimes and even cut of his ear after his girlfriend left him!Science was really cool last term we did expereiments and learnt that baking powder and vinger when mixed togther -Explode! I was sad though as i got sick and couldn't finish the experiments with Mrs Green.
I feel that i'm getting better at my goals but can still improve abit more.On Thursdays with Ms Green i learned alot about vincent van gogh, i was really facinated by his life story. He was really talented, he was an artist but he got really depresed sometimes and even cut of his ear after his girlfriend left him!Science was really cool last term we did expereiments and learnt that baking powder and vinger when mixed togther -Explode! I was sad though as i got sick and couldn't finish the experiments with Mrs Green.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
term reflection, AS
Favourite things this term
This term I learnt a lot of information about occupations and how every job contributes to society. I also think I have improved in Solo Taxonomy and I am going up a level. My favourite thing this term was visiting the Sky Tower, where I got lots of information like, the Sky Tower is 37 buses stacked up tall and it has a dining room where the whole room spins around and it takes it an hour to do one spin around. On the top of the sky tower there is a radio antenna, which allows emergency services to TV channels, mobile phones and radio stations to communicate with people around the world. There is also a lightening rod that sends thunder deep into the ground and vanish it, so it doesn’t harm anyone.
Miss Lowans is my class teacher, this term I learned with her more about reading different kinds of books that helped me to get key information and find meanings through books and dictionary. I improved my reading and writing also getting good results in my spelling. I really enjoyed and had a fun time with Miss Lowans.
On Thursdays with Mrs Green I learnt lots of things about art and a famous artist called Vincent Van Gogh and his life, grammar and also learned lot about science experiments with using hot and cold water. These experiments gave me good knowledge about how fair tests are done in science.
Every day I go to maths class in room 13 where I started with basic addition and subtraction. Further I did lot of multiplication sums and problems with new methods, which helped me to learn more about fractions . All mathematics I learned and enjoyed doing with my maths teacher Mr K.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
South Africa KA
South africa home work
View more presentations from room22bds.
term 3 cool F.S
This term I liked doing the bridges that we made , I liked all the fun art and I probably would have liked the visit to the Sky Tower. I also liked all the fun games we did like dodge ball , handball , push of on the logs , soccer , ripper rugby , some touch , cheat and tag.Another thing I enjoyed this term was mufti and wearing what ever we want , and happy hour was pretty cool but most of all I liked playing with my friends. Oh and all the yummy lunch. This term was realy fun.
term three C.L
This term I've learnt more about structures and I've made structures which was so fun.
I also learnt more about the Sky Tower, it takes 37 buses stacked to make the height of the Sky Tower.
This term was really fun but I'm going to miss this school, I'm excited that it's going to be the holidays.
I also learnt more about the Sky Tower, it takes 37 buses stacked to make the height of the Sky Tower.
This term was really fun but I'm going to miss this school, I'm excited that it's going to be the holidays.
What I have learnt in third term.
I learnt about occupations. I've got better at art.
What I learnt:
Every job is important. You don't have to get paid. The jobs contribute to society.
The art styles I've learnt are abstract, perspective and, my favourite, Van Gogh.
What I learnt:
Every job is important. You don't have to get paid. The jobs contribute to society.
The art styles I've learnt are abstract, perspective and, my favourite, Van Gogh.
Things about this term
This term, I enjoyed and learned alot. I think I am improving with my draft writing by editing llots and by using more interesting words. I also art with Mrs Greene which is lots of fun. When we went to the Sky Tower, I didn't know half the things that were said about it. I think that I am llots more confident than what I was before. In Solo Taxonomy, I have moved from the end of Relational to the start of Extended Abstract. The things I would be the most proud of would be maths and writing. Therefore, I think I have enjoyed this term and have improved heaps.
learning in term 3 (L.M)
This term I have learnt that the Sky Tower is the same size as 37 buses stacked long ways; I bet you didnt know that! I have also improved on my writing because I am paragraphing alot more and making more sense, also using more interesting words.My reading is the most improved thing this term because i am nearly at my reading age which is good because we need to be at our reading age
Learning H.A
I think I have improved in maths. Fractions and decimals used to never make sense to me, but now they are easier and faster to work out.
I have also found out what Solo Taxonomy is and think I am quite good at it. Most of my statements are Extended Abstract and I'm very proud of what I've learnt about it.
The syndicate trip to the Sky Tower has taught me alot about structures and the building itself.
Using Solo Taxonomy, I have found out many things, I've improved in my maths, writing, spelling and am still working on reading for meaning.
I've acomplished alot over the years and I would like to learn as much as I can in the time I have left at this school.
I would also like to thank all the teachers and caregivers that have looked after me and taught me. I never would of made it this far without you!
What I learnt in term 3 J.Z
This term I learnt things like writing a Solo statement.
I learnt about the Sky Tower and other famous structures like the Empire State building.
I'm getting better at art which is thanks to Mrs G.
I also learnt about occupations contributing to society.
Another thing was that my math skills were improving, I
have new strategies and using them differently sometimes combining them thanks to Miss P.
The best part of all was building our own structures with
hot glue guns, nails (hammered by ourselves!), and using the hand drill thanks to Miss L.
This was the best year ever!
From J.Z
I learnt about the Sky Tower and other famous structures like the Empire State building.
I'm getting better at art which is thanks to Mrs G.
I also learnt about occupations contributing to society.
Another thing was that my math skills were improving, I
have new strategies and using them differently sometimes combining them thanks to Miss P.
The best part of all was building our own structures with
hot glue guns, nails (hammered by ourselves!), and using the hand drill thanks to Miss L.
This was the best year ever!
From J.Z
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
I have learnt something!
This term I went to the Sky Tower and actually learnt a lot of things.
It was incredible what I saw from the main deck, I saw Party Central, the Harbour Bridge, Spaghetti junction and a whole lot more.
I learnt that the Sky Tower is taller than the Eiffel Tower by 4m. The Sky Tower is 328m high and the Eiffel Tower is 324m high, which makes the Sky Tower 37 buses tipped long ways.[Wow]
It was built in the 1990s which makes it quiet young.
I also learnt that the Orbit restaurant in the Sky Tower takes one hour to complete a rotation.
I think the Sky Tower is an amazing place.
It was incredible what I saw from the main deck, I saw Party Central, the Harbour Bridge, Spaghetti junction and a whole lot more.
I learnt that the Sky Tower is taller than the Eiffel Tower by 4m. The Sky Tower is 328m high and the Eiffel Tower is 324m high, which makes the Sky Tower 37 buses tipped long ways.[Wow]
It was built in the 1990s which makes it quiet young.
I also learnt that the Orbit restaurant in the Sky Tower takes one hour to complete a rotation.
I think the Sky Tower is an amazing place.
Homework SP
This year I learnt hot to build a bridge made of 20 ice block sticks, 20 straws, 2 piece of wood, hot glue and 5 sheets of news paper. I learnt how by my special and smart teacher. This year I also learnt how to use Solo Taxonomy and how to get to Extended Abstract. This year in maths I learnt more ways to do my division.
What I learnt in term 3 CJ
This term I learnt so many things like how to make a solo statement that is Relational into Extended Abstract. I learnt how big and heavy the Sky Tower is. I learnt what a structure is. I learnt how much a burn from a hot glue gun hurts, which is a lot!
I think I am a much faster writer and I think I write a lot more than I did at the start of the term and way more than at the start of the year.
I am much better at art and I can tell because of the picture I did with Mrs Green.
Another thing I learnt was that everyone contributes to society, because in a way even if you are playing a sport or just having fun, you could be a role model and inspire a little kid to keep going after their dreams.
from C.J.
Term3 Reflection B.E
Hi my name is B.E and this is a little reflection about my laerning this term.
Writing: I think my writng has improved this term, I am now writing more descriptively and I am paragraphing alot more.
Maths: I am sure my maths has improved thanks to my awesome teacher Miss P. I can now recall my basic facts quickly. At the moment we are doing an awesome project on Strucktures in maths.
Inquiry: My inquiry is much better than it was, I am better at Solo Taxonomy and always getting to be Extended Abstact. Our topic at the moment is Struckures and we are learning adout the purpose of a struckture.
Reading: I think my reading has made a huge improvment, I am learning to read fpr meaning and I am now able to identify the writters purpose.
Goals: I am sure I have impoved on my goals, especially in my writing, reading and maths.
Writing: I think my writng has improved this term, I am now writing more descriptively and I am paragraphing alot more.
Maths: I am sure my maths has improved thanks to my awesome teacher Miss P. I can now recall my basic facts quickly. At the moment we are doing an awesome project on Strucktures in maths.
Inquiry: My inquiry is much better than it was, I am better at Solo Taxonomy and always getting to be Extended Abstact. Our topic at the moment is Struckures and we are learning adout the purpose of a struckture.
Reading: I think my reading has made a huge improvment, I am learning to read fpr meaning and I am now able to identify the writters purpose.
Goals: I am sure I have impoved on my goals, especially in my writing, reading and maths.
My maths
At the the start of the year I didn`t know much about maths and i didn`t like it
But now i enjoyed maths, i think maths is fun because multiplication and division is alot easy then the sart of the year
Last year I thought maths was hard but now it is so fun
But now i enjoyed maths, i think maths is fun because multiplication and division is alot easy then the sart of the year
Last year I thought maths was hard but now it is so fun
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
My Writing
At the beginning of the year my writing skills were terrible!! Half way through the year my Mum and Dad changed me from number works (maths) into the number works (words). I really enjoyed the change, also my writing skills improved which has helped me alot with my writing at school.
bridge making
the man wearing a hat bridge
Monday, October 3, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Teachers v Soccer Team
Visit My Photos - 18 Pics![]() students v teachers soccer |
The soccer team won a resounding victory over the teachers. 5 of the soccer team are from Fabulous Room 22
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