Blogger Layouts

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Boogie Boogie Hedgehog


The sun fliltered through the canopy of leaves.

We were walking up Killer Hill on the Year Six camp.

The mild and inaudible,draughty breeze whissed through the frisk trees.

The pulsing sun shone down onto the barren ground,while the green grass rerstrained and softly swayed side to side.

In the cerulean sky, not a single cloud could be seen.

The last day of camp. M.L

It was Friday 6th of May the end of Camp for yr 6 I was actually quite sad that it was ending. We were sitting in the recration room listning to the teacher,s then we had our last free time at Kawai Island I spent my last free time watching my friends and teachers fish. Then we had lunch I had a cookie and some juice for lunch. Then the ferry came we were walking in a line as always holding our bags and bottles. I was sitting on the boat just sitting and looking at the water wanting to go home. I won't forget about camp but there's more camps that are coming in the future and that means more exercise!

Year 5 Camp GP

I really enjoyed it! Thank you to the parents who came and helped out.
I had a fantastic time. I liked the water confidence course
the most.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

geting out of prison Geting out of prison by bone head801

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GH - Lagoon

When I was on holiday I went to the Lagoon pools in panmure.
I went there with my mum and my step sister Alayna.
We went on the huge slides and alayna and I went down together.
We played on the water confidence course.
While we were there we had hot chips for lunch.
Alayna went onthe high diving board.It looked scarey.

it was so much fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


On Mothers me and my sister went to the school relay.The Relay was held at the Pakaranga running club.I was a team with Josh,Seb and Brad.My sister was in a team with Brad,Denzil and Elise.Everyone ran 1600 metres sadly I got a stich half way though the run.Congratulations to my sisters team for 2nd out of about 50 teams and well done to my team for doing it and trying thier hardest.

dog with a box on his head

year 5 camp b.l

We went to camp on thursday the place is called sonshine ranch we first went horse riding I rided on a horse called Rio we did tricks on the horse went we finish horse riding we went flying fox it was so high, The most scary thing was the rop swing

Sonshine Ranch E.S

I liked the water confidence course at Sonshine Ranch it was awesome because we did a lot of course's the thing I liked most was the water wheel it was awesome I did it but when I was up to the wheel I just wanted to jump in the water.

From Miss Lowans

Hi, Room 22
You have really got into our blog and are posting and making comments. Well done. Keep this up.

Reminder to those who have not completed their homework.  You have until Monday.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011



At year five camp we did so much things, my best was the incredible flying fox. It was so much fun because we got too go twice. The first time I went I felt scared at the jump off I screamed like a baby and jumped off. The second time I went it was extremely fun.

Fuzy Fuzy Cute Cute

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Year Six Camp

The sun filtered through the canopy of leaves.We were walking up Killer Hill, on the Year Six camp.The breeze sprinted through the dancing trees.In the blue sky,some patches of cloud could me seen.The green grass was silently and softly swaying side to side.The ground was slippery and muddy as we pushed our-selves towards the top of the hill.

*The dream* by popo5656 * the dream * by popo5656

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Nom Nom Nom

Monday, May 16, 2011

animals can talk and well act strange

Tasman's trips tasman's trip by ♫♪♫1111111111111115♫♪♫

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henry ford henry ford by ♫♪♫1111111111111115♫♪♫

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starmada 1(startrek) STARMADA EPISODE 1 SEASON 3 by SOLARBABY

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Ferry ride

On the ferry to Kawau Island It was really rough.

I went outside and a huge wave hit my face and I


My Tenth Birthday Party

The other Saturday my family, efgight friends and I went to Extreme Bowling for my Birthday Party.
We had two games of Bowling and with the amount of people that was there we needed two lanes.hghgfhgfn!!!

For nearly 11 year old boys: their humour: Cat Flushing the Toilet Song

BMX Nationals 2011

It was my last moto. I was on the gate next to Logan Caesar. I was so excited I almost lost my balance. I heard the man say "Set yourself, riders". I stood up on my beautiful new 2011 Flight Expert XL bike. The automatic voice said, "OK RIDERS, RANDOM START. RIDERS READY. WATCH THE GATE..." Then the gate dropped and all the riders launched out of the gate.

Everyone got away quickly, but Bailey was the fastest. Austin and I both past Logan at the same time and went straight into each other. Our handle bars touched, we went over the jump and SPLAT! We hit the ground as hard as a V8 driving into a brick wall. I looked up and it was Austin that came off with me. My arm really hurt but I wasn't going to let that stop me. I pushed my bike up the double, sat on it and pumped for a while. I looked behind me on the second-to0last straight and Austin was riding much faster than me. I stood up, pedalled a couple of times then pumped the step-up/ step-down, pedalled more, then cruised the rest of the way. I beat him by about about four bike lengths, crossed the line and went straight to the medical tent.

In the big, green medical tent, the St John's paramedics examined my arm. After that, they asked me how I crashed. The paramedics gave me entonox and strapped my arm up and then Dad went and got my bike to see if I could ride. I could ride but it hurt like face-planting on concrete.

They said I could ride but if I fell off I had to go straight to the hospital.

My family and I went back to the big, blue Mountain Raiders tent. I sat down and rested until my quarter finals. I was late to the pit and I almost missed my race.

I was on the brand new South African World gate for the third time that day. I raced around the track but this time it hurt like face-planting on concrete from a twenty storey building. Luckily, I cut someone off on the last corner and came seventh out of eight, with a possible broken arm. Even with a suspected broken arm, I managed to get NZ26 placing for 11 year old boys.

Written by C J, who is awesome.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Horse riding AS

Here we are,waiting to have a fablous time horse riding at Sonshine Ranch. In this picture some of us are geting our helmets, and some are going in to choose their horse.I have just got my helmet and going in to choose my horse.

After going in I felt quite nervous,because all the horses were quite big. I almost started to cry, I was scared but when I saw smallest horse I said I want to ride that horse. Then they gave me that horse. After that we started to to walk I liked it about in 6 minutes we walked around some barrels and little obstacles and before I knew it, it was over.I had so much fun.

The ferry ride D.O

On Monday the 2 of may the yr 6 left for camp the bus ride was long and painful but I'm not going to write about the bus ride because that was boring. I'm going to write about the ferry ride because that was fun. It was kind of like a roller coaster because of the waves moving the ferry up and down. When I found out we were aloud up stairs to the seats out side I raced up stairs in a heart beat. The wind was pinning us into our seat but that was O.K because it was fun for some random reason. But what was even more cool than the ferry ride was when I steped on Kawau. By D.O the awesome one

Confidence course M.L

Our camp was awesome! I loved the confidence course one of my challinging activities. First was the logs I managed to climb to the top but I couldn't climb over and go back down at least I reached the top.

Sailing at Camp

On Tuesday the 3rd of May I went sailing at Kawau Island, it was the best feeling ever. Zipping along with only the wind to make you go. I was in boat orange 2, going from the jety to Samy and back was awesome!!

year 6 camp kawau island JG

It was along ride to get to kawau island went through wend , rain with bad rips, current and waves. the year 6's stayed at camp benzone.

I enjoyed everything even if they are hard in ab sailing my back ached and my knees shacked as I lowed myself down then suddenly C.R slipped and then gained balance again.

In orienteering we were looking for letters and then make words and all the words were water crafts that we used around the island. In kayak my friends were splaching me.most of all I liked the camp instructors and the camp.

burma trail

Wednesday night was the Burma trail. It was meant to be scary but I wasn't. Parents were squirting children with water and they were putting leaves on your head. I felt people touching my arms.

We went further and then Neil jumped out at us for about 2 secs and then he was gone. Two minutes later 2 more people jumped out at me. Further down the track Mrs Foot was sitting on a tree in the middle of the track with a torch that made wolf noises. When we finished I said to my self that was awesome

Year 5 Camp JZ

Splish, Splosh, Splash! Kayaking was fun.
Dad and I were on camp at Sonshine Ranch
on the 31st of March. I was pretty good at
first until Samuel used his paddle and flipped
me over.

Some time later we played a game of stuck in
the mud;I was itand I tagged Samuel. A while
later Miss Wolfe freed him but I got him back,
but Miss Wolfe freed Samuel again. I tried once more but I fell in the freezing
gooey water.

Next I tried to go a little slower and steadier except I went
forwards and backwards under a log as heavy as a house. Sadly
after that, we had to say good bye to the kayaks.

Drink Milk or Else rm22

We think that children should drink milk because:
Milk makes your bones strong not brittle.

We like this advert because it is funny, and gets people's attention.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Burma trail

When I was at Kawau Island I did many things. One of my favourite things was doing the Burma trail at night on Wedenesday. I was scared at first since we weren't allowed torches, only the adults and teachers were. Ms Lowans was at the front and she led us in the wrong direction so we turned around and went the other way. As we went further and further we found a rope to hold since it was a little slippery and there were lots of fallen trees. I don't think I would ever forget the 'scary parents'. While we were walking the parents were trying to scare us. I really enjoyed doing the Burma trail!!!!!!!

The Water Gardens at Ngatea

Our car pulled in after a long journey. We were at Ngatea's water gardens. We had parked our splendid, silver car in "Tourist, Retired or Recently Fired" space. My mum, my dad, my brother, my sister and I headed towards the opening gate. We went into the gift shop. My brother and I got some activity sheets and my mum got some fish food. We made our way to the first bridge (one of my questions was 'How many bridges were there?') and my mum gave us some fish food. we tossed it into the river and it fluttered down and the fish began to eat. We looked at the cool crocodile heads. We know they are fake, but they still look real. I was so excited. We had been here before, but I still was excited.


It was an awesome day to go kayaking on Thursday, because when I looked at the water I saw this big patch of light which was the sun shimmering down onto the beautiful cobalt ocean. It was my groups turn. We went kayaking to Survivor Island, and it was two and a half kilometers from from the beach to the Island.Along the way I saw a stingray bigger than my kayak. Luckily I made it safe and sound to Survivor Island.

year 5 camp by S.W

At the amazing year 5 camp we went to the water confidence track, it was awesome!
I tried to do the water wheel, it was hard because it was slippery and hard to run on.
The water was cold and also very muddy but the other ones were just as bad!

My 11th birthday

On Saturday the 14th of May, I took 3 friends to the movies. We saw 'Hoodwinked Too' in 3D. We even got to keep our own 3D glasses! Don't we look cool!It was so much fun!

Hong Kong K.L

ahhhhhh I was sitting on the plane to Hong Kong! Suddenly I arrived at hong kong airport we went to gat our black and brown suitcases. We sat on the awesome train to our hotel called Metro Park Hotel we arrived at 7:00. ahhhhhh! It was the next day we were on the rollercoasters at Disney land! It was blue was a royal blue, after that we had our lunch I ate a hot dog and a bottle of juice, it was delicious. After we went and played some games and took cool pictures. Then we saw the parade it had Tinker Bell Toy Story and lots more! Then we saw cool fire works. After that we went back to Mong Kok sreet to our hotel Metro Park Hotel!!!!!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Bivouac making

The Year 6's had a awesome experience at camp on Kawau Island and bivouac making was one of them. We had to make bivouacs out of anything we could find that wasn't green, except for grass. We dodged logs and twigs as we marched up and down the hill looking for materials. When we found enough we were tested. Our bivouac got splashed with water. The water drizzled lightly on everyone in my group. It was a blast.

yr 6 pictures

Visit My Photos - 10 Pics

Yr 6 camp

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

year 6 camp Mansion House

I really enjoyed Year 6 camp at Kawau Island! My favourite part was looking and wandering around Mansion House. It was my favourite thing because it was MASSIVE! It was also the first
mansion I had ever been to. It had lots of cool things in it, most things were made out of real gold, silver, wood and velvet.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Fun Rugby Game

At after school care I played rugby, it was all for all. There are no teams, so we just went for it. If
you get tackled onto the ground you have to release the ball.

yr 6 camp

Last week The Year Six's attended school camp at Kawau Island.
My favourite part of it was fishing during downtime.

Firstly, on Wednesday I caught two fish at once.
I foul hooked one by the gill.

Secondly, on Thursday I caught a fish with out bait using just a
clean hook.
Some fish are attracted to shiny things.

Finally, after I caught my sixth Yellow Tail fish, this big black scary
shadow glided by. It was a STINGRAY! When I was on the wharf
it swooped under me. I shivered. It headed to Kye who was standing
on the stairs below the water level.

Sadly, I had to let my fish go free but the stingray took them all for me!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Year 6 Camp

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Year 6 Camp

The Year 6 students had a wonderful camp at Kawau Island. The weather was great, and all students were challenged. It was a rough trip over.